Newsletter 54 – Oct 2020


Reporting of State-Owned Enterprises
in fiscal reports

October 20-27

The relationship between governments and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is not always straightforward, and good reporting of transactions with the government arches, as well as information about guarantees provided to their debt is often of poor quality or not available. Considering the relevance and complex nature of the topic, as part of the Fiscal Openness Accelerator Project (FOA Project) in which the International Budget Partnership and the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency are supporting the technical capacity of selected governments—Benin, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa—in October we hosted three workshops on the topic, in collaboration with CABRI and with the participation of the IMF and PEFA.

The videos and materials of the sessions are now available for everyone in English and French. Click on the links below that will skip to any topic of your interest:

Session 1. Framing of SOEs reporting in the context of Fiscal Transparency and progress in FOA countries. Videos and materials in English and/or French click here

SOEs reporting in the context of fiscal transparency, what does it mean– GIFT
Eng 10’
Fr 11’
Why SOE’s (and public entities) reporting matters– CABRI – Danielle Serebro
Eng 45’
Fr 46’
Nigeria- Progress in including allocations to and earnings from its SOEs in budget documents. Ginikanwa Etisong-Osung, Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning.
Eng 25’

Update of work with Liberia and Nigeria– Kubai Khasiani from AFRITAC West 2
Eng 35’
Fr 36’
Senegal Production of consolidated general government statistics and beginning of the production of statistics for government-held corporations. General Directorate of Public Accounting and Treasury.
Eng 56’
Fr 57’

Cameroon- Progress in including allocations to and earnings from its SOEs in its budget documents. State Companies Unit, Ministry of Finance.
Eng 70’
Fr 71’

Managing Public Wealth– What do Public Sector Balance Sheets (PSBSs) look like, and how have they evolved? How to manage financial and non-financial risks to PSBS? How can the PSBS approach strengthen fiscal policy? Jason Harris, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF
Eng 77’
Fr 78’
Session 2. Information flows for reporting SOEs transactions with government, including integration through FMIS. Videos and materials in English and/or French click here

Gaps in recording, monitoring, and reporting of reliable and comprehensive transactions with SOEs- Sybi Hida, Fiscal Affairs Department IMF
Eng 7’
Fr 7’
Liberia- Reaction on progress and challenges for recording and monitoring SOEs transactions with government. Benedict G. Fully, Director of the SOEs Unit
Eng 57’
Fr 58’
Ongoing work on information flows and integration issues- CABRI
Eng 64’
Fr 64’
South Africa– How are SOEs consolidated as part of government financial statistics and budget reports (information flows and integration issues—different accounting standards, different information systems, duplication of reporting requirements to the boards and to oversight departments, oversight capacity) Sheila Thipe, National Treasury
Eng 71’
Fr 71’
Nigeria– Why it was decided to incorporate SOEs into the GIFMIS, progress and challenges with those with internally generated revenue. Samuel Omenka, Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning.
Eng 101’
Fr 101’
Session 3. Reporting and management of guarantees to SOEs and the link with fiscal risks. Videos and materials in English and/or French click here
Gaps in recording, monitoring, and reporting of reliable and comprehensive SOEs guarantees- Johan Krynauw, CABRI
Eng 5’
Fr 5’
Liberia- Approval and reporting of guarantees to SOEs. Benedict Fully, Head of the SOEs Unit at the Ministry of Finance Liberia
Eng 30’
Fr 30’

Q&A to CABRI and Liberia and discussion

Eng 40’
Fr 40’

Fiscal risks statements. Methodology for development and process and examples- Robert Clifton, AFRITAC South
Eng 60’
Fr 60’
Using PEFA Assessments for improving reporting comprehensiveness– Antonio Leonardo Blasco, PEFA
Eng 88’
Fr 88’
Fiscal Stress Test–applied to COVID-19. New methodology, Camilo Gómez Osorio AFRITAC South
Eng 108’
Fr 108’

UN World Data Forum
United Nations
October 12-21

This October, the UN World Data Forum brought together data experts and users. GIFT network representatives gathered to spur data innovation, mobilize high-level political and financial support for data, and build a pathway to better data for sustainable development.

Watch our session about fiscal data for emergencies with Zukiswa Kota, PSAM-South Africa; Leonardo Buitrago, Ministry of Finance- Colombia; Pedro Arizti, World Bank; Suad Hassan, International Budget Partnership.

Click here and send us your comments!

The 2020 GIFT General Stewards Meeting Sessions are access free and available on YouTube!!
Topics include:
  • GIFT Stewards: Plans, commitments and updates
  • Trends in digital fiscal transparency
  • Evaluating fiscal transparency
  • Open Government’s focus on stimulus and economic recovery policies
  • Public Participation in fiscal policies
  • Accountability and fiscal transparency in COVID-19
  • Tax reform in the context of the pandemic: the civil society perspective
  • Modernization of Financial Management Information Systems
  • Experience and practices on the use of fiscal transparency to reduce gender gaps and gender based violence
See on video the state of the art on those important subjects, with great presentations and very interesting discussions!


Keep the Receipts!

PSAM – OpenUp

In the interests of promoting proactive disclosure of public procurement data, our stewards from South Africa, PSAM partnered with OpenUp to develop a tool to track COVID-19 contracts across South Africa. The platform is a work-in-progress that has been built with support of activists that have contributed their time to scrap data from the PDFs and unstructured data published by the governments. This platform is meant to facilitate filtering and analyzing data by journalists, activists – all South Africans!

Explore the goods and services ordered by national and provincial departments and public entities in response to COVID-19:

OpenGov Digital Youth Summit
Accountability Lab, Open Government Partnership
October 27-28

This October, the OpenGov Youth Digital Summit provided an opportunity to connect and engage young people around the world. The Summit brough together young activists, students, professionals, and more for an international dialogue, brainstorm, and skill-building conference, to engage into sector conversations, becoming equal stakeholders in their national open government movements.

Watch the different conversations following AccountabiltyLab’s social media. GIFT participated in the session COVID-19, Youth and Open Contracting that can be watched here.


Senegal PEFA Report 2020

October 2020

Senegal’s public finance management (PFM) system was subjected to a performance assessment following the PEFA framework methodology in 2007 and then in 2011. This new assessment aims to draw up an inventory of the performance of Senegal’s PFM system, to measure its evolution since the previous assessment, and to highlight the current strengths and weaknesses of the system. These results will feed into discussions with a view to updating the Budgetary and Financial Reform Plan. The report is available, now with PEFA check in this link

Previous Newsletter 53 – Sep 2020